Raleigh Bay
GPS Coordinates for Fishing

The locations below are primarily artificial reefs and shipwrecks. Click on a location on the map to see its description and coordinates, or scroll down to the list to see all the details. You can also see the tide, solunar, and best fishing time predictions by clicking on the Tides & Solunars button at each location. Our iPhone/iPad app (version 3.1+ on iOS version 16.4+) now also offers fishing coordinates, exclusively with our Premium service. Alternatively, access them for free here on our ad-supported website.

Waypoint Map

Click or tap on a marker to see more information about that waypoint.
Coordinate Display Format: DMS | DM | DD
Waypoint Name Description Depth Latitude Longitude
AR-220 - 2 Concrete Pipe
Deployed: 12/1986
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 35° 8' 5" N 75° 40' 43" W
AR-220 - 3 Reef Balls
Deployed: 1/2001
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 35° 8' 5" N 75° 40' 34" W
AR-220 - 4 Reef Balls
Deployed: 1/2001
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 35° 7' 59" N 75° 40' 34" W
AR-220 - 5 Reef Balls
Deployed: 1/2001
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 35° 7' 58" N 75° 40' 23" W
AR-220 - 6 Reef Balls
Deployed: 1/2001
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 35° 7' 60" N 75° 40' 8" W
AR-225 - 1 Train Boxcars
Deployed: 12/1986
Depth: 67 ft
Tides & Solunars
67 ft 35° 6' 53" N 75° 39' 32" W
AR-225 - 2 Consolidated Concrete
Deployed: 12/1986
Depth: 67 ft
Tides & Solunars
67 ft 35° 6' 46" N 75° 39' 20" W
AR-225 - 3 Consolidated Concrete
Deployed: 12/1986
Depth: 67 ft
Tides & Solunars
67 ft 35° 6' 46" N 75° 39' 15" W
AR-230 Mr. J.C. Reef - 1 75-Foot Landing Craft
Deployed: 1991
Depth: 72 ft
Tides & Solunars
72 ft 35° 6' 13" N 75° 42' 58" W
AR-230 Mr. J.C. Reef - 2 130-Foot Yard Freighter
Deployed: 1991
Depth: 72 ft
Tides & Solunars
72 ft 35° 6' 11" N 75° 42' 58" W
AR-230 Mr. J.C. Reef - 3 105-Foot Tug Mr. J.C.
Deployed: 9/1987
Depth: 72 ft
Tides & Solunars
72 ft 35° 6' 7" N 75° 42' 58" W
AR-250 - 1 Concrete Boxes
Deployed: 2005-2006
Depth: 83 ft
Tides & Solunars
83 ft 34° 56' 54" N 75° 55' 0" W
AR-250 - 2 Concrete Rubble
Deployed: 1990-1992
Depth: 83 ft
Tides & Solunars
83 ft 34° 56' 56" N 75° 54' 47" W
AR-250 - 3 Bridge Frame
Deployed: 5/2001
Depth: 83 ft
Tides & Solunars
83 ft 34° 56' 47" N 75° 54' 49" W
AR-255 - 1 Concrete Rubble 80 Tons
Deployed: 6/1995
Depth: 84 ft
Tides & Solunars
84 ft 34° 55' 32" N 75° 57' 51" W
AR-255 - 2 Bridge Frame
Deployed: 1998
Depth: 84 ft
Tides & Solunars
84 ft 34° 55' 26" N 75° 57' 56" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 1 100 Reef Balls
Deployed: 2/2000
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 6" N 76° 17' 6" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 2 100 Reef Balls
Deployed: 2/2000
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 8" N 76° 17' 1" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 3 Concrete Pipe 740 Pieces
Deployed: 1991
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 7" N 76° 16' 59" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 4 Concrete Pipe 740 Pieces
Deployed: 1991
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 2" N 76° 17' 0" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 5 65-Foot Crew Boat Miss Clara
Deployed: 7/1992
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 9" N 76° 16' 51" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 6 150-Foot Menhaden Vessel Gulf Coast
Deployed: 6/1995
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 8" N 76° 16' 37" W
AR-275 Billy Smith Reef - 7 Concrete Pipe 179 Tons
Deployed: 6/2007
Depth: 55 ft
Tides & Solunars
55 ft 34° 50' 8" N 76° 16' 45" W
AR-285 George Summerlin Reef - 1 Concrete Pipe 605 Pieces
Deployed: 1991
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 34° 33' 32" N 76° 26' 16" W
AR-285 George Summerlin Reef - 2 130-Foot Vessel Nancy Lee
Deployed: 1/1989
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 34° 33' 34" N 76° 26' 11" W
AR-285 George Summerlin Reef - 3 Concrete Pipe 50 Pieces
Deployed: 10/1993
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 34° 33' 29" N 76° 26' 17" W
AR-285 George Summerlin Reef - 4 100 Reef Balls
Deployed: 3/2000
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 34° 33' 22" N 76° 26' 25" W
AR-285 George Summerlin Reef - 5 2 High Profile Units
Deployed: 11/1995
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 34° 33' 20" N 76° 26' 20" W
AR-285 George Summerlin Reef - 6 Manhole Sections and Risers
Deployed: 7/2007
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 34° 33' 24" N 76° 26' 12" W