Alabama Offshore Public Reefs
GPS Coordinates for Fishing

The locations below are primarily artificial reefs and shipwrecks. Click on a location on the map to see its description and coordinates, or scroll down to the list to see all the details. You can also see the tide, solunar, and best fishing time predictions by clicking on the Tides & Solunars button at each location. Our iPhone/iPad/Mac app now also offers fishing coordinates in recent versions, exclusively with our Premium service. Alternatively, access them for free here on our ad-supported website.

Waypoint Map

Click or tap on a marker to see more information about that waypoint.
Coordinate Display Format: DMS | DM | DD
Waypoint Name Description Depth Latitude Longitude
105 Tug Wood Hull Tug Boat, 105’ long, received from Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding
Structure: Vessel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1976
Zone: NA
Depth: 71 ft
Tides & Solunars
71 ft 30° 3' 53" N 87° 42' 27" W
60' Flat Steel Barge Flat Deck Steel Barge (60’L X 24’W X 8’H)
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2007
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 100 ft
Tides & Solunars
100 ft 29° 58' 39" N 87° 33' 34" W
70' OSV 70’ Offshore Supply Vessel
Structure: Vessel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2013
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 48' 27" N 87° 59' 15" W
A and C Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 45' 18" N 88° 1' 10" W
Abby Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 48' 38" N 87° 51' 6" W
Allen W W-II Liberty Ship cut down to 15’ height X 416’ long X 50’ wide
Structure: Liberty Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1975
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 86 ft
Tides & Solunars
86 ft 30° 7' 50" N 87° 31' 47" W
Anderson W W-II Liberty Ship cut down to 15’ height X 416’ long X 50’ wide
Structure: Liberty Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1976
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 84 ft
Tides & Solunars
84 ft 29° 59' 4" N 88° 4' 20" W
APC/CTS/AWF 195’ X 35’ Hopper Barge containing two 18’ X 40’ boilers
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2016
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 111 ft
Tides & Solunars
111 ft 29° 47' 28" N 87° 59' 11" W
Atlantic Drydock( D.R. Dunlap) Wood Drydock Landing made of Heart Pine
Structure: Drydock
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1999
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 56' 35" N 88° 1' 51" W
Atlantic Marine Pipes 1 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 70 ft
Tides & Solunars
70 ft 30° 2' 0" N 87° 49' 34" W
Atlantic Marine Pipes 2 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 86 ft
Tides & Solunars
86 ft 30° 1' 3" N 87° 49' 34" W
Atlantic Marine Pipes 3 - Spmid 18-037 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside each module) and Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 77 ft
Tides & Solunars
77 ft 30° 0' 0" N 87° 49' 34" W
Binney Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 48' 58" N 87° 51' 26" W
Bottom Line Decommissioned voting machines
Structure: Voting Machine
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1985
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 7' 56" N 87° 32' 7" W
Buffalo Barge Wood Hopper Barge
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1973
Zone: NA
Depth: 61 ft
Tides & Solunars
61 ft 30° 5' 3" N 87° 49' 56" W
Buffalo Barge 2 Wood Hopper Barge
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1973
Zone: NA
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 30° 4' 46" N 87° 50' 26" W
Buffalo Barge 3 Wood Hopper Barge (58’L x 30’W x 6’T)
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1973
Zone: NA
Depth: 64 ft
Tides & Solunars
64 ft 30° 4' 49" N 87° 50' 40" W
Callon Jacket Oil Platform and Jacket cut into three sections placed side by side
Structure: Rig
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 210 ft
Tides & Solunars
210 ft 29° 25' 60" N 87° 58' 30" W
Captain Shirley Brown 112’ Concrete Hull Vessel
Structure: Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 85 ft
Tides & Solunars
85 ft 30° 3' 19" N 87° 34' 5" W
Caroline Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 48' 47" N 87° 51' 17" W
Concrete Piles Concrete piles
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1985
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 73 ft
Tides & Solunars
73 ft 30° 1' 14" N 88° 2' 19" W
CSX Boxcars CSX Rail Boxcars, 2 Clusters of Concrete Pipe added to the reef
Structure: Boxcar
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1998
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 59' 34" N 87° 33' 22" W
D.I. Bridge 01 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 32" N 88° 5' 48" W
D.I. Bridge 02 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 44" N 88° 4' 39" W
D.I. Bridge 03 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 47" N 88° 4' 34" W
D.I. Bridge 04 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 49" N 88° 4' 43" W
D.I. Bridge 05 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 49" N 88° 4' 44" W
D.I. Bridge 06 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 55" N 88° 4' 54" W
D.I. Bridge 07 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: NA
Depth: 74 ft
Tides & Solunars
74 ft 30° 3' 43" N 88° 5' 8" W
D.I. Bridge 08 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: NA
Depth: 72 ft
Tides & Solunars
72 ft 30° 5' 33" N 88° 7' 24" W
D.I. Bridge 09 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 76 ft
Tides & Solunars
76 ft 30° 1' 10" N 88° 4' 51" W
D.I. Bridge 10 Hurricane damaged bridge spans and pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1980
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 2' 51" N 88° 4' 11" W
Drydock Wood Drydock Wing from Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding
Structure: Drydock
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1972
Zone: NA
Depth: 80 ft
Tides & Solunars
80 ft 30° 1' 21" N 88° 7' 10" W
Edwards W W-II Liberty Ship cut down to 15’ height X 416’ long X 50’ wide
Structure: Liberty Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1975
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 29° 57' 56" N 88° 6' 36" W
Elizabeth Lundstrom Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 45' 15" N 88° 1' 42" W
Enhanced Wreck #1 Existing wreck enhanced with concrete culverts, pipes and junction boxes.
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2016
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 83 ft
Tides & Solunars
83 ft 30° 2' 4" N 87° 41' 55" W
Enhanced Wreck #2 Existing wreck enhanced with concrete culverts, pipes and junction boxes.
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2016
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 2' 44" N 87° 40' 8" W
Enhanced Wreck #3 Existing wreck enhanced with concrete culverts, pipes and junction boxes.
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2016
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 29° 58' 1" N 87° 34' 33" W
Enhanced Wreck #4 Existing wreck enhanced with concrete culverts, pipes and junction boxes.
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2016
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 47' 4" N 87° 34' 8" W
Fort Morgan Pipes Reef site constructed with approximately 65 pieces of concrete pipe on 4/12/2018.
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2018
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 113 ft
Tides & Solunars
113 ft 29° 48' 46" N 87° 59' 16" W
Gladys B 102’ steel hull tug boat named Gladys B. Scuttled on 4/12/2018
Structure: Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2018
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 101 ft
Tides & Solunars
101 ft 29° 53' 38" N 87° 56' 4" W
Gulf State Park Pavilion 1 Gulf State Park Saltwater Pavilion Hurricane Damaged Concrete Walls and Pilings
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 87 ft
Tides & Solunars
87 ft 30° 7' 44" N 87° 32' 3" W
Gulf State Park Pavilion 2 Gulf State Park Saltwater Pavilion Hurricane Damaged Concrete Walls and Pilings
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 62 ft
Tides & Solunars
62 ft 30° 8' 42" N 87° 32' 52" W
Gulf State Park Pavilion 3 Gulf State Park Saltwater Pavilion Hurricane Damaged Concrete Walls and Pilings
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 68 ft
Tides & Solunars
68 ft 30° 8' 45" N 87° 33' 38" W
Gulf State Pier Pilings 1 Hurricane damaged pilings from the Gulf State Park Pier
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2009
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 2' 56" N 87° 33' 5" W
Gulf State Pier Pilings 2 Hurricane damaged pilings from the Gulf State Park Pier
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2009
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 2' 24" N 87° 34' 51" W
Hanson Pipe 1 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 57' 33" N 87° 58' 38" W
Hanson Pipe 2 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 56' 31" N 87° 58' 35" W
Hanson Pipe 3 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 108 ft
Tides & Solunars
108 ft 29° 55' 31" N 87° 58' 35" W
Harris Memorial Reef One 8’ Florida limestone pyramid
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2018
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 3' 2" N 87° 37' 36" W
Hunt Reef Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 56' 7" N 87° 41' 52" W
Keough Boys Reef MoBay jacket components
Structure: Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 48' 10" N 87° 56' 33" W
Lainey Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 45' 17" N 88° 0' 55" W
Lillian Bridge Bridge Spans and Pilings from Hwy 98 bridge replacement at Lillian AL
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1981
Zone: NA
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 6' 53" N 87° 32' 43" W
Lipscomb Tug Wood Hull triple deck Tug Boat
Structure: Vessel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1972
Zone: NA
Depth: 61 ft
Tides & Solunars
61 ft 30° 4' 53" N 87° 48' 11" W
LuLu 270’ Coastal Freighter
Structure: Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2013
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 59' 31" N 87° 33' 2" W
Marathon Jacket Rig to Reef deployment of Marathon Oil Platform( bottom half)
Structure: Rig
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1983
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 210 ft
Tides & Solunars
210 ft 29° 31' 0" N 87° 34' 42" W
Marathon Reef Rig to Reef deployment of Marathon Oil Platform ( top half)
Structure: Rig
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1983
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 254 ft
Tides & Solunars
254 ft 29° 26' 54" N 87° 36' 59" W
McMillian Barge Metal Wood Chip Hopper Barge
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1992
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 89 ft
Tides & Solunars
89 ft 29° 58' 46" N 88° 2' 42" W
Mexico Rock Decommissioned voting machines
Structure: Voting Machine
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1985
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 56 ft
Tides & Solunars
56 ft 30° 8' 59" N 87° 34' 7" W
MoBay 1 MoBay jacket components
Structure: Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 114 ft
Tides & Solunars
114 ft 29° 48' 40" N 87° 56' 34" W
MoBay 2 MoBay jacket components
Structure: Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 48' 25" N 87° 56' 34" W
MoBay3 MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 45' 18" N 88° 0' 41" W
Mobile Co. Roadbuilders 1 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 55' 5" N 87° 57' 32" W
Mobile Co. Roadbuilders 2 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 54' 5" N 87° 57' 0" W
Mobile Co. Roadbuilders 3 - Concrete Pipe Defective and broken Concrete Culvert pipe and pieces
Structure: Concrete
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2003
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 110 ft
Tides & Solunars
110 ft 29° 53' 3" N 87° 57' 30" W
MP 261-B* Base of MP 261 jacket extending 188’ from the sea floor, with 112’ of clearance from ocean surface - structure is 124’ square at the base; MP 261-T* is approximately 290’ to the E
Structure: Rig
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2018
Zone: NA
Depth: 299 ft
Tides & Solunars
299 ft 29° 19' 51" N 88° 6' 7" W
MP 261-T* Top section of MP 261 jacket extending 127’ from the sea floor, with 172’ of clearance from ocean surface - structure has a 86’ x 75’ rectanglular base; MP 261-B* is approximately 290’ to the W
Structure: Rig
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2018
Zone: NA
Depth: 299 ft
Tides & Solunars
299 ft 29° 19' 51" N 88° 6' 2" W
MP255 Reefed platform MP255 extending 237’ above the seabed and approximately 180’ in Diameter.
Structure: Rig
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2016
Zone: NA
Depth: 332 ft
Tides & Solunars
332 ft 29° 19' 15" N 87° 48' 46" W
Nail Ship Cargo barge loaded w/ cotton bales & kegs of nails, lost 1930s storm found 1960s by Shrimpboat
Structure: Barge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1960
Zone: NA
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 57' 34" N 88° 9' 42" W
Nelson Reef MoBay platform decking and unconsolidated pipes
Structure: Unconsolidated Structural Steel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2015
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 117 ft
Tides & Solunars
117 ft 29° 49' 7" N 87° 51' 37" W
New Venture 250’ Shipwreck from the survey vessel New Venture
Structure: Ship
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2018
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 54' 3" N 87° 32' 54" W
Pamela Walter Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 10’ Height and 12’ Triangular Base
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2013
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 42' 32" N 87° 51' 16" W
Papa Joe (John Wood ) Metal Tug Boat 3 decks 50 ft. long
Structure: Vessel
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2001
Zone: NA
Depth: 83 ft
Tides & Solunars
83 ft 29° 59' 59" N 88° 7' 28" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 1 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 93 ft
Tides & Solunars
93 ft 30° 1' 60" N 87° 33' 7" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 2 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings (Atlantis)
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 65 ft
Tides & Solunars
65 ft 30° 8' 34" N 87° 34' 16" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 3 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings, 2 clusters of Concrete Pipe were added to the reef
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 2' 19" N 87° 33' 15" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 4 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings, 3 clusters of Concrete Pipe were added to the reef
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 2' 48" N 87° 33' 6" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 5 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings, 2 clusters of Concrete Pipe were added to the reef
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 3' 7" N 87° 32' 52" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 6 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: NA
Depth: 89 ft
Tides & Solunars
89 ft 30° 3' 38" N 87° 32' 43" W
Perdido Pass Bridge 7 Old 2 Lane Bridge Spans and Pilings
Structure: Bridge
# of Modules: 1
Year: 1989
Zone: Trolling Corridor
Depth: 69 ft
Tides & Solunars
69 ft 30° 8' 27" N 87° 33' 57" W
Pmid 04-001 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 87 ft
Tides & Solunars
87 ft 30° 2' 54" N 87° 34' 39" W
Pmid 04-002 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 30° 1' 51" N 87° 34' 41" W
Pmid 04-003 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 30° 0' 53" N 87° 34' 44" W
Pmid 04-004 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 59' 53" N 87° 34' 43" W
Pmid 04-005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 29° 58' 51" N 87° 34' 48" W
Pmid 04-006 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 100 ft
Tides & Solunars
100 ft 29° 57' 50" N 87° 34' 41" W
Pmid 04-007* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; SPmid 18-007* is 80’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 29° 56' 51" N 87° 34' 45" W
Pmid 04-008 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 55' 50" N 87° 34' 42" W
Pmid 04-009 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 105 ft
Tides & Solunars
105 ft 29° 54' 51" N 87° 34' 38" W
Pmid 04-010* 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with one 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramid, Pmid 16-31 is 165’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 110 ft
Tides & Solunars
110 ft 29° 53' 50" N 87° 34' 43" W
Pmid 04-011 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 110 ft
Tides & Solunars
110 ft 29° 52' 46" N 87° 34' 40" W
Pmid 04-012 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 51' 47" N 87° 34' 37" W
Pmid 04-013* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; SPmid 18-019* is 55’ to the NW
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 119 ft
Tides & Solunars
119 ft 29° 50' 43" N 87° 34' 39" W
Pmid 04-014 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 49' 44" N 87° 34' 41" W
Pmid 04-015 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 49' 57" N 87° 36' 59" W
Pmid 04-016 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 118 ft
Tides & Solunars
118 ft 29° 50' 51" N 87° 36' 29" W
Pmid 04-017 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 52' 25" N 87° 36' 28" W
Pmid 04-018 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 48' 31" N 87° 34' 50" W
Pmid 04-019 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 118 ft
Tides & Solunars
118 ft 29° 46' 31" N 87° 34' 53" W
Pmid 04-020 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 44' 22" N 87° 34' 0" W
Pmid 04-021 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 42' 23" N 87° 35' 8" W
Pmid 04-022 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 40' 23" N 87° 35' 13" W
Pmid 04-023 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 143 ft
Tides & Solunars
143 ft 29° 38' 23" N 87° 35' 25" W
Pmid 04-024 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 117 ft
Tides & Solunars
117 ft 29° 41' 47" N 87° 37' 58" W
Pmid 04-025 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 43' 45" N 87° 37' 52" W
Pmid 04-026 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 45' 46" N 87° 37' 47" W
Pmid 04-027 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 119 ft
Tides & Solunars
119 ft 29° 47' 46" N 87° 37' 44" W
Pmid 04-028 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 119 ft
Tides & Solunars
119 ft 29° 49' 19" N 87° 37' 48" W
Pmid 04-029 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 48' 41" N 87° 40' 42" W
Pmid 04-030 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 46' 45" N 87° 40' 37" W
Pmid 04-031* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W, Spmid 16-19 is ~102’ to the NW
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 47' 25" N 87° 41' 34" W
Pmid 04-032 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 41' 28" N 87° 43' 18" W
Pmid 04-033 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 39' 26" N 87° 43' 19" W
Pmid 04-034 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 37' 22" N 87° 43' 21" W
Pmid 04-035 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 139 ft
Tides & Solunars
139 ft 29° 35' 14" N 87° 43' 20" W
Pmid 04-036 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 39' 5" N 87° 40' 58" W
Pmid 04-037 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 130 ft
Tides & Solunars
130 ft 29° 37' 1" N 87° 40' 60" W
Pmid 04-038 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 142 ft
Tides & Solunars
142 ft 29° 35' 1" N 87° 41' 29" W
Pmid 04-039 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 130 ft
Tides & Solunars
130 ft 29° 35' 13" N 87° 45' 38" W
Pmid 04-040 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 37' 16" N 87° 45' 35" W
Pmid 04-041 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 39' 19" N 87° 45' 37" W
Pmid 04-042 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 41' 20" N 87° 45' 34" W
Pmid 04-043 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 43' 23" N 87° 45' 34" W
Pmid 04-044 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 45' 24" N 87° 45' 41" W
Pmid 04-045 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 43' 22" N 87° 46' 35" W
Pmid 04-046 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 42' 21" N 87° 46' 41" W
Pmid 04-047 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 41' 16" N 87° 46' 43" W
Pmid 04-048 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 40' 13" N 87° 46' 46" W
Pmid 04-049 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 136 ft
Tides & Solunars
136 ft 29° 39' 18" N 87° 46' 48" W
Pmid 04-050 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 38' 10" N 87° 46' 59" W
Pmid 04-051 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 37' 8" N 87° 46' 59" W
Pmid 04-052 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 130 ft
Tides & Solunars
130 ft 29° 36' 2" N 87° 47' 2" W
Pmid 04-053 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 35' 3" N 87° 47' 8" W
Pmid 04-054 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 35' 3" N 87° 49' 28" W
Pmid 04-055 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 36' 3" N 87° 49' 39" W
Pmid 04-056* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; SPmid 18-041* is 106’ to the NE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 37' 6" N 87° 49' 29" W
Pmid 04-057 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 138 ft
Tides & Solunars
138 ft 29° 38' 10" N 87° 49' 32" W
Pmid 04-058 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 39' 10" N 87° 49' 39" W
Pmid 04-059 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 40' 12" N 87° 49' 37" W
Pmid 04-060 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 41' 17" N 87° 49' 30" W
Pmid 04-061 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 42' 18" N 87° 49' 23" W
Pmid 04-062 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 43' 25" N 87° 49' 19" W
Pmid 04-063 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 44' 28" N 87° 49' 13" W
Pmid 04-064 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 45' 30" N 87° 49' 8" W
Pmid 04-065 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 38' 3" N 87° 52' 27" W
Pmid 04-066 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids with inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 39' 9" N 87° 52' 24" W
Pmid 04-066 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids with inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 39' 9" N 87° 52' 24" W
Pmid 04-066 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids with inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 39' 9" N 87° 52' 24" W
Pmid 04-067 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 46' 31" N 87° 49' 9" W
Pmid 04-068** RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 96 ft
Tides & Solunars
96 ft 30° 2' 1" N 87° 34' 52" W
Pmid 04-069 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 75 ft
Tides & Solunars
75 ft 30° 0' 57" N 87° 50' 43" W
Pmid 04-070 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with a 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramid
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 76 ft
Tides & Solunars
76 ft 30° 0' 7" N 87° 50' 8" W
Pmid 04-071 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 81 ft
Tides & Solunars
81 ft 29° 59' 16" N 87° 49' 32" W
Pmid 04-072 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 29° 58' 20" N 87° 48' 53" W
Pmid 04-073 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 29° 57' 29" N 87° 48' 15" W
Pmid 04-074 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 48' 39" N 87° 51' 49" W
Pmid 04-075 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 47' 33" N 87° 51' 46" W
Pmid 04-076 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 46' 34" N 87° 51' 53" W
Pmid 04-077 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 45' 27" N 87° 51' 54" W
Pmid 04-078 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 44' 24" N 87° 52' 1" W
Pmid 04-079 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 43' 16" N 87° 52' 7" W
Pmid 04-080 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 42' 20" N 87° 52' 8" W
Pmid 04-081 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 137 ft
Tides & Solunars
137 ft 29° 41' 16" N 87° 52' 22" W
Pmid 04-082* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; Spmid 16-25 is located 220’ to the NE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 40' 10" N 87° 52' 18" W
Pmid 04-083 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 40' 6" N 87° 55' 19" W
Pmid 04-084 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 41' 16" N 87° 55' 19" W
Pmid 04-085 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 42' 29" N 87° 55' 19" W
Pmid 04-086 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 43' 26" N 87° 55' 15" W
Pmid 04-087 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 44' 37" N 87° 55' 17" W
Pmid 04-088 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 45' 39" N 87° 55' 11" W
Pmid 04-089 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 46' 44" N 87° 55' 13" W
Pmid 04-090 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 118 ft
Tides & Solunars
118 ft 29° 47' 51" N 87° 55' 16" W
Pmid 04-091 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 48' 48" N 87° 55' 19" W
Pmid 04-092 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 112 ft
Tides & Solunars
112 ft 29° 48' 48" N 87° 57' 39" W
Pmid 04-093 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 47' 43" N 87° 57' 41" W
Pmid 04-094 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 115 ft
Tides & Solunars
115 ft 29° 46' 40" N 87° 57' 42" W
Pmid 04-095 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 115 ft
Tides & Solunars
115 ft 29° 45' 36" N 87° 57' 46" W
Pmid 04-096 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 44' 34" N 87° 57' 47" W
Pmid 04-097 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 43' 34" N 87° 57' 51" W
Pmid 04-098 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 42' 41" N 87° 57' 55" W
Pmid 04-099 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 41' 41" N 87° 57' 60" W
Pmid 04-100 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 43' 28" N 87° 59' 42" W
Pmid 04-101 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 44' 31" N 87° 59' 44" W
Pmid 04-102 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 45' 37" N 87° 59' 38" W
Pmid 04-103 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 112 ft
Tides & Solunars
112 ft 29° 46' 39" N 87° 59' 38" W
Pmid 04-104 ** RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 115 ft
Tides & Solunars
115 ft 29° 47' 42" N 87° 59' 38" W
Pmid 04-105 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 110 ft
Tides & Solunars
110 ft 29° 48' 41" N 87° 59' 37" W
Pmid 04-106 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 115 ft
Tides & Solunars
115 ft 29° 48' 38" N 88° 1' 2" W
Pmid 04-107 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 117 ft
Tides & Solunars
117 ft 29° 47' 53" N 88° 1' 1" W
Pmid 04-108 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 46' 50" N 88° 1' 4" W
Pmid 04-109 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 45' 51" N 88° 1' 4" W
Pmid 04-110 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 44' 52" N 88° 1' 3" W
Pmid 04-111 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 119 ft
Tides & Solunars
119 ft 29° 46' 26" N 88° 1' 56" W
Pmid 04-112 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 47' 30" N 88° 1' 56" W
Pmid 04-113 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 137 ft
Tides & Solunars
137 ft 29° 33' 32" N 87° 59' 49" W
Pmid 04-114 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 32' 47" N 87° 59' 9" W
Pmid 04-115 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 136 ft
Tides & Solunars
136 ft 29° 32' 2" N 87° 58' 27" W
Pmid 04-116 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 143 ft
Tides & Solunars
143 ft 29° 31' 14" N 87° 57' 46" W
Pmid 04-117 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 152 ft
Tides & Solunars
152 ft 29° 30' 27" N 87° 56' 59" W
Pmid 04-118 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 158 ft
Tides & Solunars
158 ft 29° 29' 43" N 87° 56' 13" W
Pmid 04-119 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 156 ft
Tides & Solunars
156 ft 29° 29' 39" N 87° 57' 29" W
Pmid 04-120 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 149 ft
Tides & Solunars
149 ft 29° 30' 15" N 87° 58' 23" W
Pmid 04-121 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 146 ft
Tides & Solunars
146 ft 29° 31' 2" N 87° 59' 4" W
Pmid 04-122 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 31' 44" N 87° 59' 50" W
Pmid 04-123 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn South
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 32' 33" N 88° 0' 29" W
Pmid 04-124 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 144 ft
Tides & Solunars
144 ft 29° 33' 34" N 87° 48' 37" W
Pmid 04-125 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 148 ft
Tides & Solunars
148 ft 29° 33' 30" N 87° 47' 35" W
Pmid 04-126 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 146 ft
Tides & Solunars
146 ft 29° 33' 31" N 87° 46' 27" W
Pmid 04-127 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 147 ft
Tides & Solunars
147 ft 29° 33' 32" N 87° 45' 18" W
Pmid 04-128 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 153 ft
Tides & Solunars
153 ft 29° 33' 32" N 87° 44' 13" W
Pmid 04-129 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 150 ft
Tides & Solunars
150 ft 29° 33' 30" N 87° 43' 5" W
Pmid 04-130 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 153 ft
Tides & Solunars
153 ft 29° 33' 28" N 87° 41' 59" W
Pmid 04-131 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 156 ft
Tides & Solunars
156 ft 29° 33' 26" N 87° 40' 52" W
Pmid 04-132 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 161 ft
Tides & Solunars
161 ft 29° 33' 23" N 87° 39' 37" W
Pmid 04-133 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 164 ft
Tides & Solunars
164 ft 29° 33' 18" N 87° 38' 35" W
Pmid 04-134 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 175 ft
Tides & Solunars
175 ft 29° 33' 22" N 87° 37' 19" W
Pmid 04-135** RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 108 ft
Tides & Solunars
108 ft 29° 52' 51" N 87° 36' 55" W
Pmid 04-136 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 105 ft
Tides & Solunars
105 ft 29° 53' 49" N 87° 37' 3" W
Pmid 04-137 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 101 ft
Tides & Solunars
101 ft 29° 54' 51" N 87° 36' 59" W
Pmid 04-138 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 55' 50" N 87° 36' 60" W
Pmid 04-139 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 99 ft
Tides & Solunars
99 ft 29° 56' 52" N 87° 37' 3" W
Pmid 04-140 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 29° 57' 51" N 87° 36' 57" W
Pmid 04-141 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 29° 58' 51" N 87° 36' 59" W
Pmid 04-142 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 29° 59' 51" N 87° 36' 55" W
Pmid 04-143 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 0' 50" N 87° 37' 1" W
Pmid 04-144 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 93 ft
Tides & Solunars
93 ft 30° 2' 0" N 87° 36' 56" W
Pmid 04-145 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 91 ft
Tides & Solunars
91 ft 30° 2' 3" N 87° 39' 17" W
Pmid 04-146 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 30° 1' 1" N 87° 39' 21" W
Pmid 04-147 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 0' 2" N 87° 39' 24" W
Pmid 04-148* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W, Spmid 16-045* is 70’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 29° 59' 4" N 87° 39' 18" W
Pmid 04-149 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 58' 3" N 87° 39' 21" W
Pmid 04-150 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 96 ft
Tides & Solunars
96 ft 29° 57' 5" N 87° 39' 17" W
Pmid 04-151 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 100 ft
Tides & Solunars
100 ft 29° 56' 6" N 87° 39' 19" W
Pmid 04-152 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 55' 2" N 87° 39' 20" W
Pmid 04-153 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 53' 55" N 87° 39' 25" W
Pmid 04-154 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 52' 60" N 87° 39' 25" W
Pmid 04-155 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 111 ft
Tides & Solunars
111 ft 29° 51' 59" N 87° 39' 26" W
Pmid 04-156 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 51' 2" N 87° 39' 28" W
Pmid 04-157* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; SPmid 18-020* is 60’ to the SSE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 49' 60" N 87° 39' 21" W
Pmid 04-158 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 114 ft
Tides & Solunars
114 ft 29° 49' 59" N 87° 41' 47" W
Pmid 04-159 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 115 ft
Tides & Solunars
115 ft 29° 50' 56" N 87° 41' 55" W
Pmid 04-160 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 51' 51" N 87° 41' 45" W
Pmid 04-161 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 111 ft
Tides & Solunars
111 ft 29° 52' 48" N 87° 41' 45" W
Pmid 04-162 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 117 ft
Tides & Solunars
117 ft 29° 53' 50" N 87° 41' 40" W
Pmid 04-163 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 54' 49" N 87° 41' 41" W
Pmid 04-164 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 55' 38" N 87° 42' 26" W
Pmid 04-165 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 56' 40" N 87° 42' 27" W
Pmid 04-166* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; SPmid 18-006* is 55’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 57' 24" N 87° 41' 39" W
Pmid 04-167 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 99 ft
Tides & Solunars
99 ft 29° 58' 21" N 87° 41' 41" W
Pmid 04-168 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 96 ft
Tides & Solunars
96 ft 29° 59' 24" N 87° 41' 42" W
Pmid 04-169 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 29° 59' 54" N 87° 40' 46" W
Pmid 04-170 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 100 ft
Tides & Solunars
100 ft 30° 0' 29" N 87° 41' 32" W
Pmid 04-171 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 89 ft
Tides & Solunars
89 ft 30° 1' 35" N 87° 41' 37" W
Pmid 04-172 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 1' 24" N 87° 42' 13" W
Pmid 04-173 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 30° 1' 10" N 87° 42' 56" W
Pmid 04-174 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 0' 34" N 87° 44' 33" W
Pmid 04-175 ** RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 0' 17" N 87° 45' 19" W
Pmid 04-176 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 91 ft
Tides & Solunars
91 ft 29° 59' 58" N 87° 46' 8" W
Pmid 04-177 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 90 ft
Tides & Solunars
90 ft 29° 59' 38" N 87° 46' 53" W
Pmid 04-178 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 62 ft
Tides & Solunars
62 ft 30° 2' 44" N 88° 0' 7" W
Pmid 04-179 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 60 ft
Tides & Solunars
60 ft 30° 1' 48" N 87° 59' 40" W
Pmid 04-180 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 67 ft
Tides & Solunars
67 ft 30° 0' 49" N 87° 59' 22" W
Pmid 04-181 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 76 ft
Tides & Solunars
76 ft 29° 59' 52" N 87° 58' 56" W
Pmid 04-182 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 29° 58' 58" N 87° 58' 24" W
Pmid 04-183 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 58' 0" N 87° 58' 12" W
Pmid 04-184 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 96 ft
Tides & Solunars
96 ft 29° 57' 0" N 87° 57' 50" W
Pmid 04-185 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 56' 9" N 87° 57' 12" W
Pmid 04-186 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 102 ft
Tides & Solunars
102 ft 29° 55' 17" N 87° 56' 39" W
Pmid 04-187 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 54' 26" N 87° 56' 2" W
Pmid 04-188 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 105 ft
Tides & Solunars
105 ft 29° 53' 31" N 87° 55' 33" W
Pmid 04-189 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 108 ft
Tides & Solunars
108 ft 29° 52' 38" N 87° 54' 51" W
Pmid 04-190 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 108 ft
Tides & Solunars
108 ft 29° 52' 8" N 87° 53' 48" W
Pmid 04-191 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 51' 6" N 87° 53' 31" W
Pmid 04-192 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (8’ pyramid nested inside) and One 2005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 50' 18" N 87° 52' 55" W
Pmid 04-193 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 49' 24" N 87° 52' 22" W
Pmid 04-194 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 49' 21" N 87° 53' 34" W
Pmid 04-195 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 49' 22" N 87° 55' 50" W
Pmid 04-196 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 99 ft
Tides & Solunars
99 ft 29° 50' 22" N 87° 56' 11" W
Pmid 04-197 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 51' 18" N 87° 56' 41" W
Pmid 04-198 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 105 ft
Tides & Solunars
105 ft 29° 52' 13" N 87° 57' 16" W
Pmid 04-199 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 110 ft
Tides & Solunars
110 ft 29° 53' 4" N 87° 57' 51" W
Pmid 04-200 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 54' 3" N 87° 58' 12" W
Pmid 04-201 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 54' 59" N 87° 58' 41" W
Pmid 04-202 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 108 ft
Tides & Solunars
108 ft 29° 55' 32" N 87° 59' 7" W
Pmid 04-203 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 56' 47" N 87° 59' 44" W
Pmid 04-204 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 99 ft
Tides & Solunars
99 ft 29° 57' 44" N 88° 0' 13" W
Pmid 04-205 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 29° 58' 41" N 88° 0' 46" W
Pmid 04-206 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 87 ft
Tides & Solunars
87 ft 29° 59' 36" N 88° 0' 54" W
Pmid 04-207 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 68 ft
Tides & Solunars
68 ft 30° 0' 44" N 88° 1' 4" W
Pmid 04-208 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 66 ft
Tides & Solunars
66 ft 30° 1' 40" N 88° 1' 38" W
Pmid 04-209 2004 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 69 ft
Tides & Solunars
69 ft 30° 2' 37" N 88° 2' 11" W
Pmid 04-210 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; FDA donated Radio Tower welded into a tetrahedron shape to enhance the existing reef module
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 74 ft
Tides & Solunars
74 ft 30° 2' 34" N 88° 3' 29" W
Pmid 04-212 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 80 ft
Tides & Solunars
80 ft 30° 0' 29" N 88° 3' 28" W
Pmid 04-214 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids with inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 29° 58' 21" N 88° 3' 32" W
Pmid 04-215 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2004
Zone: Hugh Swingle
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 56' 54" N 88° 3' 19" W
Pmid 05-001 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 100 ft
Tides & Solunars
100 ft 29° 57' 3" N 87° 32' 36" W
Pmid 05-002 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 108 ft
Tides & Solunars
108 ft 29° 56' 8" N 87° 32' 33" W
Pmid 05-003 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (8’ pyramid nested inside) and One 2005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 113 ft
Tides & Solunars
113 ft 29° 55' 16" N 87° 32' 36" W
Pmid 05-004 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 54' 23" N 87° 32' 34" W
Pmid 05-005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 53' 32" N 87° 32' 33" W
Pmid 05-006 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 52' 42" N 87° 32' 34" W
Pmid 05-007 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 51' 52" N 87° 32' 32" W
Pmid 05-008 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 50' 59" N 87° 32' 31" W
Pmid 05-009 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 50' 6" N 87° 32' 34" W
Pmid 05-010 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 49' 16" N 87° 32' 28" W
Pmid 05-011 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 48' 48" N 87° 32' 33" W
Pmid 05-012 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 47' 54" N 87° 32' 29" W
Pmid 05-013 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 47' 1" N 87° 32' 33" W
Pmid 05-014 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 46' 7" N 87° 32' 37" W
Pmid 05-015 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 45' 15" N 87° 32' 34" W
Pmid 05-016 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 44' 21" N 87° 32' 35" W
Pmid 05-017 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 43' 25" N 87° 32' 39" W
Pmid 05-018 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 42' 29" N 87° 32' 32" W
Pmid 05-019 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 142 ft
Tides & Solunars
142 ft 29° 41' 38" N 87° 32' 32" W
Pmid 05-020 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 144 ft
Tides & Solunars
144 ft 29° 40' 44" N 87° 32' 31" W
Pmid 05-021 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 155 ft
Tides & Solunars
155 ft 29° 39' 53" N 87° 32' 34" W
Pmid 05-022 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 155 ft
Tides & Solunars
155 ft 29° 38' 56" N 87° 32' 35" W
Pmid 05-023 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 169 ft
Tides & Solunars
169 ft 29° 38' 7" N 87° 32' 34" W
Pmid 05-024 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 188 ft
Tides & Solunars
188 ft 29° 37' 9" N 87° 32' 40" W
Pmid 05-025 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 201 ft
Tides & Solunars
201 ft 29° 36' 19" N 87° 32' 38" W
Pmid 05-026 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 216 ft
Tides & Solunars
216 ft 29° 35' 27" N 87° 32' 36" W
Pmid 05-027 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 221 ft
Tides & Solunars
221 ft 29° 34' 34" N 87° 32' 33" W
Pmid 05-028 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 181 ft
Tides & Solunars
181 ft 29° 32' 31" N 87° 37' 13" W
Pmid 05-029 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 175 ft
Tides & Solunars
175 ft 29° 32' 30" N 87° 38' 18" W
Pmid 05-030 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 171 ft
Tides & Solunars
171 ft 29° 32' 37" N 87° 39' 21" W
Pmid 05-031 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 177 ft
Tides & Solunars
177 ft 29° 31' 46" N 87° 40' 19" W
Pmid 05-032 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 159 ft
Tides & Solunars
159 ft 29° 32' 45" N 87° 41' 24" W
Pmid 05-033 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 157 ft
Tides & Solunars
157 ft 29° 32' 44" N 87° 42' 29" W
Pmid 05-034 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 161 ft
Tides & Solunars
161 ft 29° 32' 43" N 87° 43' 31" W
Pmid 05-035 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 159 ft
Tides & Solunars
159 ft 29° 32' 44" N 87° 44' 27" W
Pmid 05-036 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 155 ft
Tides & Solunars
155 ft 29° 32' 44" N 87° 45' 26" W
Pmid 05-037 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 154 ft
Tides & Solunars
154 ft 29° 32' 41" N 87° 46' 34" W
Pmid 05-038 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 152 ft
Tides & Solunars
152 ft 29° 32' 43" N 87° 47' 39" W
Pmid 05-039 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 147 ft
Tides & Solunars
147 ft 29° 32' 47" N 87° 48' 45" W
Pmid 05-040 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 137 ft
Tides & Solunars
137 ft 29° 34' 48" N 87° 44' 47" W
Pmid 05-041 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 35' 44" N 87° 44' 48" W
Pmid 05-042 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 36' 47" N 87° 44' 47" W
Pmid 05-043 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 37' 37" N 87° 44' 45" W
Pmid 05-044 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 38' 29" N 87° 44' 47" W
Pmid 05-045 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 137 ft
Tides & Solunars
137 ft 29° 39' 20" N 87° 44' 50" W
Pmid 05-046 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 40' 12" N 87° 44' 52" W
Pmid 05-047 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 136 ft
Tides & Solunars
136 ft 29° 41' 4" N 87° 44' 52" W
Pmid 05-048 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Don Kelley
Depth: 136 ft
Tides & Solunars
136 ft 29° 41' 57" N 87° 44' 50" W
Pmid 05-050 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 117 ft
Tides & Solunars
117 ft 29° 48' 56" N 87° 50' 44" W
Pmid 05-051 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 48' 13" N 87° 50' 15" W
Pmid 05-052 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 123 ft
Tides & Solunars
123 ft 29° 47' 28" N 87° 49' 44" W
Pmid 05-053 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 46' 56" N 87° 49' 15" W
Pmid 05-054 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 46' 6" N 87° 48' 41" W
Pmid 05-055 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 45' 26" N 87° 48' 5" W
Pmid 05-056 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 44' 41" N 87° 47' 34" W
Pmid 05-057 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 43' 49" N 87° 47' 32" W
Pmid 05-058 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 42' 59" N 87° 47' 35" W
Pmid 05-059 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 130 ft
Tides & Solunars
130 ft 29° 42' 11" N 87° 47' 37" W
Pmid 05-060 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 41' 19" N 87° 47' 36" W
Pmid 05-061 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 40' 28" N 87° 47' 41" W
Pmid 05-062 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 39' 38" N 87° 47' 42" W
Pmid 05-063 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 38' 45" N 87° 47' 40" W
Pmid 05-064 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 135 ft
Tides & Solunars
135 ft 29° 37' 53" N 87° 47' 43" W
Pmid 05-065 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 36' 56" N 87° 47' 47" W
Pmid 05-066 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 126 ft
Tides & Solunars
126 ft 29° 36' 12" N 87° 47' 48" W
Pmid 05-067 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 35' 21" N 87° 47' 48" W
Pmid 05-068 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 34' 29" N 87° 47' 52" W
Pmid 05-069 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 34' 29" N 87° 48' 48" W
Pmid 05-070 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 130 ft
Tides & Solunars
130 ft 29° 35' 20" N 87° 48' 48" W
Pmid 05-071 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 36' 12" N 87° 48' 49" W
Pmid 05-072 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 37' 2" N 87° 48' 47" W
Pmid 05-073 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 137 ft
Tides & Solunars
137 ft 29° 37' 52" N 87° 48' 45" W
Pmid 05-074 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 38' 44" N 87° 48' 45" W
Pmid 05-075 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 39' 32" N 87° 48' 45" W
Pmid 05-076 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 40' 24" N 87° 48' 50" W
Pmid 05-078 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids with inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 42' 5" N 87° 48' 42" W
Pmid 05-079 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 42' 57" N 87° 48' 40" W
Pmid 05-080 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 43' 49" N 87° 48' 39" W
Pmid 05-081 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 44' 44" N 87° 48' 30" W
Pmid 05-082 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 46' 16" N 87° 49' 47" W
Pmid 05-083 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 45' 20" N 87° 49' 52" W
Pmid 05-084 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 44' 30" N 87° 50' 9" W
Pmid 05-085 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 43' 37" N 87° 50' 13" W
Pmid 05-086 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 42' 46" N 87° 50' 16" W
Pmid 05-087 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 136 ft
Tides & Solunars
136 ft 29° 41' 49" N 87° 50' 20" W
Pmid 05-088 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 40' 56" N 87° 50' 14" W
Pmid 05-089 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 137 ft
Tides & Solunars
137 ft 29° 40' 7" N 87° 50' 35" W
Pmid 05-090 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 39' 15" N 87° 50' 37" W
Pmid 05-091 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 143 ft
Tides & Solunars
143 ft 29° 38' 25" N 87° 50' 43" W
Pmid 05-092 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 37' 32" N 87° 50' 41" W
Pmid 05-093 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 36' 43" N 87° 50' 41" W
Pmid 05-094 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 124 ft
Tides & Solunars
124 ft 29° 35' 51" N 87° 50' 42" W
Pmid 05-095 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 34' 60" N 87° 50' 44" W
Pmid 05-096 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramids 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (8’ pyramid nested inside) and One RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 127 ft
Tides & Solunars
127 ft 29° 35' 42" N 87° 51' 22" W
Pmid 05-097 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 125 ft
Tides & Solunars
125 ft 29° 36' 21" N 87° 51' 58" W
Pmid 05-098 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 134 ft
Tides & Solunars
134 ft 29° 36' 56" N 87° 52' 42" W
Pmid 05-099 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 139 ft
Tides & Solunars
139 ft 29° 37' 34" N 87° 53' 27" W
Pmid 05-100 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 138 ft
Tides & Solunars
138 ft 29° 38' 12" N 87° 54' 2" W
Pmid 05-101 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 39' 1" N 87° 54' 4" W
Pmid 05-102 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 131 ft
Tides & Solunars
131 ft 29° 39' 49" N 87° 54' 4" W
Pmid 05-103 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 40' 39" N 87° 54' 2" W
Pmid 05-104* 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with one 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramid, Pmid16-32 is 110’ to the NW
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 133 ft
Tides & Solunars
133 ft 29° 41' 29" N 87° 53' 56" W
Pmid 05-105 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 42' 19" N 87° 53' 58" W
Pmid 05-106 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 132 ft
Tides & Solunars
132 ft 29° 43' 10" N 87° 53' 59" W
Pmid 05-107 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 129 ft
Tides & Solunars
129 ft 29° 44' 2" N 87° 53' 55" W
Pmid 05-108 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 128 ft
Tides & Solunars
128 ft 29° 44' 53" N 87° 53' 58" W
Pmid 05-109 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 121 ft
Tides & Solunars
121 ft 29° 45' 44" N 87° 53' 52" W
Pmid 05-110 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 122 ft
Tides & Solunars
122 ft 29° 46' 35" N 87° 53' 49" W
Pmid 05-111 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 117 ft
Tides & Solunars
117 ft 29° 47' 24" N 87° 53' 46" W
Pmid 05-112 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 113 ft
Tides & Solunars
113 ft 29° 48' 18" N 87° 53' 46" W
Pmid 05-113 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Tatum - Winn North
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 48' 58" N 87° 53' 8" W
Pmid 05-114 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 88 ft
Tides & Solunars
88 ft 30° 3' 23" N 87° 32' 28" W
Pmid 05-115 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 93 ft
Tides & Solunars
93 ft 30° 2' 30" N 87° 32' 28" W
Pmid 05-116* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W, Spmid 16-16 is 130’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 30° 1' 39" N 87° 32' 28" W
Pmid 05-117 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 99 ft
Tides & Solunars
99 ft 30° 0' 48" N 87° 32' 28" W
Pmid 05-118 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 97 ft
Tides & Solunars
97 ft 29° 59' 59" N 87° 32' 30" W
Pmid 05-119 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 59' 5" N 87° 32' 29" W
Pmid 05-120 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; two 6’ concrete & limestone pyramids; three pieces of concrete pipe
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 6
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 104 ft
Tides & Solunars
104 ft 29° 58' 14" N 87° 32' 29" W
Pmid 05-121 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 29° 57' 32" N 87° 33' 8" W
Pmid 05-122 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; Two Pyramids added in 2019
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 29° 58' 23" N 87° 33' 26" W
Pmid 05-123 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 101 ft
Tides & Solunars
101 ft 30° 0' 27" N 87° 33' 27" W
Pmid 05-124 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 30° 1' 18" N 87° 33' 26" W
Pmid 05-125* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W, Spmid 16-14E is 105’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 89 ft
Tides & Solunars
89 ft 30° 2' 35" N 87° 33' 48" W
Pmid 05-126 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: NA
Depth: 85 ft
Tides & Solunars
85 ft 30° 3' 25" N 87° 33' 47" W
Pmid 05-127 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 84 ft
Tides & Solunars
84 ft 30° 3' 7" N 87° 35' 25" W
Pmid 05-128 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 2' 17" N 87° 35' 22" W
Pmid 05-129 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 93 ft
Tides & Solunars
93 ft 30° 1' 37" N 87° 36' 0" W
Pmid 05-130 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 30° 0' 47" N 87° 36' 12" W
Pmid 05-131 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 98 ft
Tides & Solunars
98 ft 29° 59' 57" N 87° 35' 56" W
Pmid 05-132 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 95 ft
Tides & Solunars
95 ft 29° 59' 3" N 87° 35' 56" W
Pmid 05-133 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 96 ft
Tides & Solunars
96 ft 29° 58' 14" N 87° 35' 55" W
Pmid 05-134 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 94 ft
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 29° 57' 21" N 87° 35' 57" W
Pmid 05-135 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 56' 29" N 87° 35' 56" W
Pmid 05-136* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W; SPmid 18-009* is 60’ to the SE
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 55' 39" N 87° 35' 58" W
Pmid 05-137 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 54' 48" N 87° 35' 58" W
Pmid 05-138 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 105 ft
Tides & Solunars
105 ft 29° 53' 58" N 87° 35' 57" W
Pmid 05-139 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 107 ft
Tides & Solunars
107 ft 29° 53' 8" N 87° 35' 54" W
Pmid 05-140* RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W, Spmid 16-020 is 225’ to the SW
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 112 ft
Tides & Solunars
112 ft 29° 52' 20" N 87° 35' 35" W
Pmid 05-141 ** RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 114 ft
Tides & Solunars
114 ft 29° 51' 29" N 87° 35' 45" W
Pmid 05-142 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 116 ft
Tides & Solunars
116 ft 29° 50' 37" N 87° 35' 43" W
Pmid 05-143 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 49' 48" N 87° 35' 47" W
Pmid 05-144 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (6 disc pedestal structure nested inside module) and RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 114 ft
Tides & Solunars
114 ft 29° 49' 5" N 87° 35' 45" W
Pmid 05-145 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 115 ft
Tides & Solunars
115 ft 29° 49' 10" N 87° 36' 46" W
Pmid 05-146 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 119 ft
Tides & Solunars
119 ft 29° 49' 53" N 87° 37' 54" W
Pmid 05-147 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 120 ft
Tides & Solunars
120 ft 29° 50' 46" N 87° 37' 54" W
Pmid 05-148 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 111 ft
Tides & Solunars
111 ft 29° 51' 39" N 87° 37' 53" W
Pmid 05-149 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 109 ft
Tides & Solunars
109 ft 29° 52' 35" N 87° 37' 52" W
Pmid 05-150 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (8’ pyramid nested inside) and One 2005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 106 ft
Tides & Solunars
106 ft 29° 53' 25" N 87° 37' 57" W
Pmid 05-151 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 54' 16" N 87° 38' 1" W
Pmid 05-152 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 99 ft
Tides & Solunars
99 ft 29° 55' 6" N 87° 38' 2" W
Pmid 05-153 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 103 ft
Tides & Solunars
103 ft 29° 55' 58" N 87° 38' 18" W
Pmid 05-154 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 100 ft
Tides & Solunars
100 ft 29° 56' 45" N 87° 38' 3" W
Pmid 05-155 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 101 ft
Tides & Solunars
101 ft 29° 57' 38" N 87° 37' 53" W
Pmid 05-156 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 118 ft
Tides & Solunars
118 ft 29° 47' 29" N 87° 37' 54" W
Pmid 05-157 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (8’ pyramid nested inside) and One 2005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 91 ft
Tides & Solunars
91 ft 29° 59' 22" N 87° 37' 55" W
Pmid 05-158 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 90 ft
Tides & Solunars
90 ft 30° 0' 6" N 87° 38' 25" W
Pmid 05-159 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 101 ft
Tides & Solunars
101 ft 30° 0' 56" N 87° 38' 32" W
Pmid 05-160 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 90 ft
Tides & Solunars
90 ft 30° 1' 49" N 87° 38' 13" W
Pmid 05-162 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 92 ft
Tides & Solunars
92 ft 30° 2' 33" N 87° 39' 15" W
Pmid 05-163 2005 RSWC Reef Module- Concrete pyramid w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W with two 2016 8’ Florida limestone pyramids
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 3
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 89 ft
Tides & Solunars
89 ft 30° 2' 25" N 87° 40' 12" W
Pmid 05-164 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 85 ft
Tides & Solunars
85 ft 30° 2' 53" N 87° 41' 0" W
Pmid 05-165 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 87 ft
Tides & Solunars
87 ft 30° 2' 48" N 87° 42' 1" W
Pmid 05-166 One Concrete & Limestone Pyramid 25’ Height and 15’ Triangular Base (8’ pyramid nested inside) and One 2005 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid Cluster
# of Modules: 2
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 77 ft
Tides & Solunars
77 ft 30° 2' 42" N 87° 42' 56" W
Pmid 05-167 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 71 ft
Tides & Solunars
71 ft 30° 2' 39" N 87° 44' 1" W
Pmid 05-168 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 80 ft
Tides & Solunars
80 ft 30° 2' 34" N 87° 45' 2" W
Pmid 05-169 RSWC Reef Modules- Concrete pyramids w/steel inserts 10’ H x 12’ W x 12’W
Structure: Pyramid
# of Modules: 1
Year: 2005
Zone: Dr. Robert (Bob) Shipp
Depth: 87 ft
Tides & Solunars
87 ft 30° 1' 41" N 87° 45' 0" W